
abstract type defined in module InvariantsCore

			abstract type AbstractInvariant

An Invariant checks if an input satisfies some invariant. For example, it may check whether a number is positive.

For most use cases, using invariant to create an invariant will suffice and implementing your own subtype of AbstractInvariant will rarely be necessary.

The interface of Invariant s is designed so that

  • the invariant can be checked, given some input

  • invariants can be composed to generate more complicated invariants

  • the creation of rich error messages is possible when an invariant is not satisfied.


An Invariant I must implement the following methods:

  • title (::I)::String : Descriptive name for the invariant

  • description (::I)::String : A longer description of the invariant, giving explanation and pointing to related information.

  • satisfies (::I, input) -> (nothing | msg) : Check whether an input satisfies the invariant, returning either nothing on success or an error message.