
struct defined in module Pollen

			PollenPlugin(; kwargs...) <: Plugin

Configuration for setting up Pollen.jl documentation for a package.

To add documentation when creating a package with PkgTemplates.jl, use this as one of the plugins.

To add documentation to an existing package, you can configure this and pass it to setup_docs_files, setup_docs_project, setup_docs_actions and setup_docs_branches. See these functions for more detail on what is set up.

Follow the tutorial for a step-by-step guide for setting up documentation.

Keyword arguments

  • folder::String = "docs": The folder in which the documentation configuration and project will be stored. See setup_docs_files and setup_docs_project.

  • remote = "origin": The name of the remote to use. Branches created by setup_docs_branches will be pushed to this remote. Set remote = nothing to disable the pushing of branches to a remote.

    Missing remote

    If the remote does not exist, the setup will error! In that case, disable with remote = nothing.

Branch configuration:

  • branch_primary = "main": The main branch of the repository. Pushes to this branch will trigger documentation builds on GitHub.

    Old repositories

    If your repository was created a while ago, chances are its default branch is called "master". In that case, you will have to pass branch_primary = "master" or the GitHub Actions will not be set up correctly.

  • branch_data = "pollen": Pollen.jl will create a branch in your repository that stores data generated during documentation build on GitHub Pages. You will usually not need to change this.

  • branch_page = "gh-pages": The branch that the statically rendered HTML is built to for publishing on GitHub Pages.

Dependency configuration:

  • pollen_spec::Pkg.PackageSpec: If you want to use an in-development version/branch of Pollen.jl, modify this to ensure that GitHub Actions will also that version.


There are 5 methods for Pollen.PollenPlugin:
