
Learning tasks

How To




Terms commonly used in FastAI.jl.

Type abbreviations

In many docstrings, generic types are abbreviated with the following symbols. Many of these refer to a learning method; the context should make clear which method is meant.

Some examples of these in use:


Data container

A data structure that is used to load a number of data observations separately and lazily. It defines how many observations it holds with nobs and how to load a single observation with getobs.

Learning method

An instance of DLPipelines.LearningMethod. A concrete approach to solving a learning task. Encapsulates the logic and configuration for processing data to train a model and make predictions.

See the DLPipelines.jl documentation for more information.

Learning task

An abstract subtype of DLPipelines.LearningTask that represents the problem of learning a mapping from some input type I to a target type T. For example, ImageClassificationTask represents the task of learning to map an image to a class. See learning method

Task data container / dataset

DC{(I, T)}. A data container containing pairs of inputs and targets. Used in methoddataset, methoddataloaders and evaluate.