
Learning tasks

How To



public mapobsfunction

mapobs(f, data)

Lazily map f over the observations in a data container data.

data = 1:10
getobs(data, 8) == 8
mdata = mapobs(-, data)
getobs(mdata, 8) == -8
mapobs(fs, data)

Lazily map each function in tuple fs over the observations in data container data. Returns a tuple of transformed data containers.

mapobs(namedfs::NamedTuple, data)

Map a NamedTuple of functions over data, turning it into a data container of NamedTuples. Field syntax can be used to select a column of the resulting data container.

data = 1:10
nameddata = mapobs((x = sqrt, y = log), data)
getobs(nameddata, 10) == (x = sqrt(10), y = log(10))
getobs(nameddata.x, 10) == sqrt(10)